Apparently Woot wants to get rid of some overstock, so badly that
they're listing items for free. If you have a Prime account (and if you
don't, find someone who is a student so you can save on the fee), go to
Amazon, put something $25 or more in your cart, and then go here
and sort it by price: high to low. Click on something that says Price
$0.00 to $10,000.00, then click through and see what size and color is
I ordered a bunch of Reebok shorts, some men's
shirts, fleece jackets, and kids' pajamas. I'm not sure if it will fit
people in our home, but surely there will be someone who can use it.
are a lot fewer items left than there were last night, but try it and
see. If nothing that works for you is left, maybe order whatever is left
and donate it to a shelter or to someone else who is scraping by?
(By the way, even when this crazy deal isn't happening, you can sort entire categories on Amazon from low to high and sometimes find things that are either free or had their price entered incorrectly, and score some amazing deals. All I ask is that you please look and see whether the item is sold by a small family-owned-type business or a large retailer. Please don't order 10 of an obviously mispriced item from a small business. That's just cold.)